Saturday 29 February 2020

Club 3000!

The best part about being a member of the BCD is that once a year we all gather together at a hotel for 3 days of pretty much non-stop puzzling fun. This years event was in Peterborough and had a record attendance of 70 people. There were a wide range of puzzles to see, a wide range of puzzles to do and lots of interesting talks given by members. At last year's event a group of us had tackled (and completed) a 3000 piece puzzle - the sort you can only do when you have a number of days to keep going. The same feat was attempted this year, but despite the best efforts of well over 10 members, we were thwarted. However, from this joint effort a geeky little group name was born - The Club 3000! Entry was simple enough - just put 3 pieces in. We are now scanning our puzzles collections for the next Club 3000 candidate as it seems for the club to falter before it has even started. Roll on next year. 

Oh, and the photos exhibited show my Dad - we were first in the room at 9am on the Friday and a larger shot of the jigsaw group at large. 

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