Saturday 25 January 2020

New Year - new puzzles

So, I was lucky enough to be treated to a couple of new puzzles for Christmas and decided to save them for a wet day in January. Turns out the weather left me with rather more than 1 wet day, but it didn't detract from these 2 little cuties. Both under 500 pieces they didn't take long, but both had their individual charms. The Wentworth Whimsies were very cute - lots of little dogs, and the bird puzzle challenged me to see how many British birds I really did know! 

Time taken: a couple of hours for each on and off


  1. That second jigsaw by Rose Royce was also released in a tessellation cut - featuring dogs, cats and bones. I have but haven't done it yet. I also used the cut for a photo of my Maine-coon type cat Breezer. He is very old now, sadly incontinent and a shadow of his former handsome self. You can see the jigsaw and details of the cat on flickr:

    Look forward to seeing you soon! Jackie

  2. Thanks Jackie...will take a look. See you soon x
