Saturday 29 February 2020

Fireworks over the Bay (1000 pieces)

When will I ever learn to say no when presented with a challenge? This puzzle was 1000 pieces, but some of the tiniest pieces I have ever seen with an incredibly dark picture. Sadly the cut wasn't great either which meant pieces ended up fitting in multiple spots. Interestingly the puzzle was split into 6ths, with each section having a different pattern on the back. I'm afraid we ended up having to turn it over and do parts of it by using the pattern rather than the picture on the front. However, it was pleasing to get it finished and I'm sure I will continue to not being able to say 'no'! 

Time taken: forever...


  1. I'm sorry that this distracted you from finishing the 3000pc Brueghel Census at the meeting. I've learnt my lesson and won't be buying any more of these tiny piece puzzles from China/Japan, although I think it is made with thin wood rather than cardboard.

    They really are one person jigsaws and not suitable for a meeting at all, as the owner of the Cheatwell World's Smallest 1000pc Machu Picchu jigsaw found out. I won't be buying that one (and it has put me off starting World's Smallest Pyramids and Taj Mahal which I do own, and which look even more difficult). Jackie

  2. Haha - I was happy for the distraction - you know me, always up for a challenge...
