Edges in and the open roof next. Followed by the framework before putting the trains in place. The smoke was the next challenge and proved a larger area than first envisiged. The darker areas were last to be completed and were quite difficult. All in all your standard train scene....pleasant, but not terribly inspiring.
Time take: day
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
The Antique Show - Jumbo Puzzles (1000 pieces)
Time taken: day
Bavarian Castle in Winter - Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (1000 pieces)
Time taken: day
Departure Hall - Jumbo Puzzles (1000 pieces)
Time taken: Day
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Hong Kong in Transition Then...and Now - No maker (1000 pieces)
Time taken: 2 evenings
No title, no producer....never again
Time taken: I don't even want to know...
Friday, 30 September 2016
At Bay - Arrow Puzzles
Time taken: evening
Winter Landscape - Arrow Games Ltd (1000 pieces)
Time taken: morning
The Reception - Falcon Puzzles (1000 pieces)
I can't say I was looking forward to this puzzle as the colours did seem a little muted, but it turned out to be pleasant enough. Falcon can always be relied upon to provide a good cut where the pieces fit snugly together. The blue coated man made for a focal point and then I added in the other people. The red areas of wall came next and I finished with the mirror area.
Time taken: evening
Time taken: evening
Summer in the Provence - Jumbo Puzzles (1500 pieces)
Time taken: day
A Wentworth Personal Puzzle - Wentworth Wooden Jigsaws (320 pieces)
Time taken: 2 hours
Title Unknown - Deccan Miniature (150 pieces)
Time taken: less than an hour
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
National Palace Museum Taipei - Scorland Puzzle (500 pieces)
Time taken: 2 hours
Shades of Childhood - Springbok (500 pieces)
Time taken: evening
Museum Collection: School of Athens - Clementoni (1000 pieces)
Time taken: evening
VE Day - King (1000 pieces)
Time taken: Morning and afternoon
Sunday in the City - Gibsons (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon
I Love Gardening - Gibsons (1000 pieces)
Time taken: Day
I Love Car Boot Sales - Gibsons (1000 pieces)
Time taken: 2 days of on and off puzzling
Monday, 15 August 2016
Westminster Sunset - Ravensburger (1000 pieces)
Time taken: evening
I love the Farmyard - Gibson (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
British Jigsaw Championships 2016
Better start training for next year!!
Thursday, 30 June 2016
British Jigsaw Library Puzzle
The theme for my latest BCD meeting was 'overground, underground' and this made for an afternoon of trains, trains and the odd womble. This poster was rather pleasing, after we had managed to sort the edges. It appeared that some pieces had more than one home so we ended up leaving the side edges until we had put some of the middle pieces in. However, the combination of grass, lake and castle in the background was lovely and the finished effect very satisfying.
Time taken: working with friends a couple of hours
Time taken: working with friends a couple of hours
No Title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (1000 pieces)
I love puzzles like these. I decided to work on the sweets in colour order starting with the black and white ones and leaving the yellow ones until last. The sugar coatings made it possible to split the colours further and the good cut made the pieces fit together well.
Time taken: Evening
Time taken: Evening
No Title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
No Title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (750 pieces)
Time taken: many, many evenings!
Saturday, 30 April 2016
No title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (750 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon
No title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (750 pieces)
Time taken: evening
No title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (500 pieces)
Time taken: evening
No title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (500 pieces)
Time taken: 3 hours
No title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (500 pieces)
Time taken: evening
World Treasures - Master's Collectiong (1000 pieces)
I knew there was a reason I had left this puzzle until last - and I wasn't proved wrong. It was an awful puzzle to complete. It started well with the bridge and lights quite quickly in place....and then....the sky. The black soon lacked little subtle shading which might have helped and the cut was so poor that in the end I had to turn the pieces over to work upside down (back showing) as it was easier to see which pieces fitted that way than the normal way. However, I didn't give up and eventually it was done - but - NEVER again!
Time taken: I gave up counting the hours
No title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (500 pieces)
Another one from the box and this proved as enjoyable as the last but for different reasons. This time I put the hill skyline in place followed by the sky and then the outer edge of the building. I followed that with the gardens and left the inner pieces of the building until last. The building itself proved trickier than I excepted, but all in all a nice puzzle.
Time taken: 3 hours
Time taken: 3 hours
No title - Deluxe Jigsaw Puzzles (500 pieces)
Time taken: 2 hours
Thursday, 31 March 2016
World Treasures - Master's Puzzles (1000 pieces)
Coming to the end of the box of 8 world treasure puzzles and have enjoyed them for the most part, but this was one of the ones where the poor cut of the pieces made sections more difficult than they needed to be. As with previous puzzles I put the skyline in first and then completed the sky. Once this was in place I tackled the various shades of sand and dirt which made up the central image. Not very inspiring, but not bad either.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Time taken: afternoon and evening
The Battle of Britain - Unknown (1000 pieces)
Time taken: 2 hours
World Treasures - Master's Puzzles (1000 pieces)
The reflection in the water added an extra level of detail which was most pleasing. I completed the skyline first followed by the sky, which was bright and bold with nice changes in shade. The trees proved trickier than I had anticipated but once in the rest of the puzzle formed quickly.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Time taken: afternoon and evening
World Treasures - Master's Puzzle (1000 pieces)
Time taken: day
Monday, 29 February 2016
The Sweet Shop - The World's Most Difficult Jigsaw Puzzle (529 pieces)
Time taken: you don't want to know
Pointe des Poulains - Collection Plisson (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Art Collection Puzzle: Roma Il Colosseo - Cartilia (1000 pieces)
A tricky little number with many, many similar colours, shades and aspects of light. According to the box there should have been a thin area of grass at the bottom of the picture, but it was so dark that I couldn't make it out. The cut wasn't brilliant with several edge pieces matching others. In the end I do something I don't often do and added the final bottom edge after all the other pieces were in place.
Time taken: day
Time taken: day
The Clock Repairer - Waddingtons (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Title Unknown - Classic Deluxe Puzzle (1000 pieces)
Time taken: evening
Antique Carta - Clementoni? (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon and evening
The curse of a puzzle checker
I knew my run had to come to an end at some point. I knew that a missing piece was bound to appear (or not as the case may be) at some point through all the jigsaws I check. What I wasn't prepared for was two on the trot. However, I have included them here as until that final sad moment of realisation that the missing piece wasn't on the floor they had been rather good puzzles.
Double Sided Impossipuzzle - The airport (1000 pieces)
King Puzzles: Department Store (1000 pieces)
Time taken: an evening a piece
Double Sided Impossipuzzle - The airport (1000 pieces)
King Puzzles: Department Store (1000 pieces)
Time taken: an evening a piece
Wasgij: Late Booking - Ravensburger (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Title unknown - Woolworths (1000 pieces)
Time taken: evening
Wonderful World: Budapest. Hungary - Sure-Lox (1000 pieces)
Time taken: day
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Avon, Wendens Ambo, Essex - Falcon Puzzles (1000 pieces)
Time taken: afternoon
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