No title, no producer....never again
I mean it....never again will I do this jigsaw. I was presented with it at my last BCD meeting with those immortal words - do you like a challenge? It was horrid! All wooden pieces, just dumped mixed in a box. So the problem was huge. I had pieces that had the potential to be in one of three frames, which at first glance all looked the same. I spent a long, long time sorting them into sections: pieces that were either top or bottom, pieces that could be top or bottom and edge, and then general pieces. This required looking at varnish and wood grain. After that I began to painstakingly place them in the 3 frames. Funnily enough it was the bottom layers which took the longest as you couldn't see the wood grain. After that I picked up speed and by the end was putting in several pieces at a time rather than 1 every half hour to start with. 'Why did you continue if you didn't enjoy it?' I hear you asking...well...because I am competitive and someone challenged me....pride was at stake!
Time taken: I don't even want to know...
I have one similar to this that fell off a shelf. I took it along to a BCD meeting but nobody was interested, so I wish I’d got to you before our Chairman with his disaster. Your approach was the only logical one - I tried the same but the treen puzzle defeated me. Jackie.