Monday 15 September 2014

Kitchen Cupboard - Wentworth Wooden Jigsaws (1000 pieces)

I'm pleased that this jigsaw made the blog - even if it is a second time jig. I first completed the puzzle earlier this year after Wentworth heard my radio interview with BBC2 and wanted me to have a go at one of their jigsaws. Now, if you know anything about jigsaws you will know what a luxury a Wentworth is and how excited I was to be sent one. The pieces are proper wood instead of standard cardboard and there are lots of little quirky 'whimsie' bits to add for extra interest. Anyway, I gave it to my dad after I had finished and arrived at his house last night to find a family jigsaw session underway...well...I had to join in didn't I?

Time taken: 4 hours as an individual...and as a family...well, who has time to count?

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