Sunday 30 September 2018

Crazy Casino - WHSmith Puzzles (1500 pieces)

One of the advantages of moving home is that the dining table can now be fully extended at all times - this means I can start to complete some of the large puzzles I have been given. This one was a great one to start with, but sadly the previous owner had not bothered to break all the pieces apart properly so I had a bit of a job to do before I started. That aside, the puzzle was really good - lots of details to keep you going and the similar pieces/tables/lights meant it wasn't too easy. 

Time taken: 6 hours

BCD Meeting - Birmingham

Living in the countryside has spoilt me in some ways when it comes to driving and the jaunt to Birmingham felt a little like a white knuckle ride! However, once there the puzzling was great - the theme being theatre, tv and film. Lots of lovely puzzles and people are starting to bring more cardboard ones along as well so I am kept rather busy. I completed 3 jigsaws on the day, but one was put away before I could photograph it - ah well...

Time taken: a day of chatting and puzzling

Sitting Pretty - WHSmiths (500 pieces)

What a lovely little puzzle - one of the last I had been asked to check. I popped the cat in place first started with the white sections and face. After that it was simply a case of slotting everything else in place. 

Time taken: 2 hours