Oh dear! Had I not been checking this for a fete I would have given up after tipping it out. The quality was very poor and even when completed some pieces would not sit flat - you can see this in the photo. The picture and subject were quite pretty, but the poor cut really did detract from the overall enjoyment of the puzzle.
Time taken: afternoon
Normal cut problems aside this was a great offering from King. I went straight for the sign and lettering which turned out to be a lot of the puzzle done quite quickly. I then built up the cars, followed that with the posters and then placed other things in around it. This ensured the picture built up quickly and the overall result most pleasing.
Time taken: evening
Beautiful picture, beautiful puzzle, lovely afternoon. The sky and water went first, followed by the green trees. I actually left the red trees until last and the house just before that. The subtle tones of the painting made for an interesting assembly and there is always a sense of deep satisfaction putting together something as beautiful as this!
Time taken: afternoon
This was a boomerang puzzle which I gave as a gift to someone knowing I would be able to do it after they had finished. It didn't disappoint. I love putting these types of puzzle together. Finding little signs, labels, colours, and pictures and then working out where they fit in relation to other things is always great fun. These puzzles do take longer than your average block colour ones, but are well worth it.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
These are actually harder than you think they are going to be and having done a 1000 piece one some time ago of a town I knew I was quite relieved to see this had fewer pieces. There are some little tricks you can employ like looking at the house orientation on pieces, but essentially there are lots of roads to confuse. I put some of the larger names in first which gave me reference points as well as the river and railway line. Not a bad challenge though.
Time taken: afternoon
In a market seemingly dominated by Gibsons and Ravensburger I always enjoy a WH Smith Puzzle. The cut is of good quality and the card is thick enough for a good click. I was given this by a family member who lamented that there was too much blue and grey for him. I, however, always enjoy sky as it has subtle shades and palettes which I enjoy piecing together. I actually decided to leave the house until last on this occasion, getting the slightly trickier flowers out of the way earlier on.
Time taken: evening
I am always slightly frustrated by King Puzzles as they are always a little flimsy and the cut can be a little poor - pieces often stick together and tear when you try to separate them. However, they do some lovely images, so if you can get past the poor quality the puzzles are good. This was no exception. I did my normal trick of starting with the sky, placed the cottage in place after that and then worked on the tree. The rest built up quickly and I enjoyed the overall image.
Time taken: afternoon
Finally, a tricky jigsaw which was actually good fun to do. I was lucky enough to be given this as a gift by someone who obviously understood that difficult puzzles don't actually have to be boring. This was a delight - lots of different elements made up what most people would just see as 'brown'. I started with the patterned chocolates, then put the chocolate drops in place before working on the cookies and other individual features. A great puzzle.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
I always enjoy puzzles from other countries and it is interesting to see the cut and style of pieces. This was a standard cut and the pieces didn't leave too much dust. The picture itself was beautiful and colours incredibly rich. I got the girl, ducks and grass in place first before tackling the pink flowers. The left hand side of the puzzle was left until last, but wasn't too difficult - I often enjoy building up tree branches.
Time taken: evening
I wasn't sure the picture was defined enough for my liking, but once I got going I was soon sold on the subtle lines and colours. I got the fountains, sky and buses in place first and then worked on the trees. There were subtle variations of grey, cream, and whites which I then sorted and built up the rest of the puzzle. The best bit was finding and placing the little people into their daily actions.
Time taken: afternoon
I really enjoyed this one. At first site it appeared that each book was going to have to be worked out on its own, but then after closer inspection I realised that there were coloured sections of the bookshelves which meant you could group and sort pieces. I started with the two black and white sections and then moved to the red, blue and green areas. Once all this was in place you could start to piece other quirky pieces in around it and the puzzle was soon done.
Time taken: 4 hours
I've done this puzzle more than once and have enjoyed it before so was not sorry to have another shot at it. I normally start by getting the skyline in place and completing the sky before moving onto the the domes. Once these are done it is a case of getting some of the brick work which is more obvious and then simply filling in the gaps. A nice puzzle and the cut wasn't bad.
Time taken: 1.5 hours
It appears I have become to be known as 'that crazy lady, who will give anything a go'. Therefore when I was approached by a fellow BCD member with the words - 'I have a puzzle for you, it is too tricky for me, I've made a start but...' - I knew I was in for a challenge. Particularly because the member in question is a very good line cut jigger himself. Anyway, he had made a start on the birds and large shell and I was presented with the rest. I am not a fan of line cut jigsaws in the first instance, and this one seemed to follow no colour logic. However, my pride got in the way and instead of giving up I struggled on and did complete it. I can't say I enjoyed it, but at least I can say it didn't beat me. It is now all packaged and ready to be shown at the next BCD meeting.
Time taken: I don't wish to think about it....