The last in the collection of my American Christmas presents and it didn't disappoint. Fireworks and lettering were quickly put in place, followed by the water and a lot of seagulls. I wondered whether the actual buildings and roads would be tricky, but once some of the main buildings were in place the rest of the puzzle quickly took shape. For added interest there were little signs all over the place. A lovely puzzle and I'm sad it was the last one from this brand...for now...
Time taken: afternoon/evening
Not a lot to say about these little beauties, except that they both seem to have the same cut....something to monitor, because if this continues I will have lots of puzzles which are all exactly the same other than the picture on them!
I'd been told my members of the BCD that there was a jigsaw exhibit at the Museum of Brands in London. Dutifully, and with some excitement, I arranged a visit to London with my mum and amongst other things persuaded her to indulge my hobby and we make a visit to the museum. At first glance I wondered whether I had dragged her there for no reason. There were some very old dissected maps when you first entered the exhibit and then the puzzle seemed to dwindle away. However, on further inspection the puzzles were simply part of the larger exhibit which is organised in chronological order. What this meant is that you were able to see how the humble jigsaw has changed over time. It was lovely to see some of the brands that BCD members are keen to collect and at some points I almost sounded like I knew what I was talking about. No photos inside the exhibit, but of me on the outside!