I quite enjoyed this puzzle for two reasons...sky and water. Yes, I know that I am on my own in my appreciation of sky, but this puzzle is a perfect illustration of why I like it. Clouds, subtle changes of blues and a great skyline with hills which immediately cut the puzzle in half. The buildings didn't take too long to complete and the little ships in the harbour allowed for good perspective and placement.
Time taken: 2 evenings
I mean it....never again will I do this jigsaw. I was presented with it at my last BCD meeting with those immortal words - do you like a challenge? It was horrid! All wooden pieces, just dumped mixed in a box. So the problem was huge. I had pieces that had the potential to be in one of three frames, which at first glance all looked the same. I spent a long, long time sorting them into sections: pieces that were either top or bottom, pieces that could be top or bottom and edge, and then general pieces. This required looking at varnish and wood grain. After that I began to painstakingly place them in the 3 frames. Funnily enough it was the bottom layers which took the longest as you couldn't see the wood grain. After that I picked up speed and by the end was putting in several pieces at a time rather than 1 every half hour to start with. 'Why did you continue if you didn't enjoy it?' I hear you asking...well...because I am competitive and someone challenged me....pride was at stake!
Time taken: I don't even want to know...