I have to be honest that my heart sank somewhat as I started this. I had been given this by someone accompanied by those immortal words - 'I chose this because it looked really hard and I thought you would like the challenge'. Don't get me wrong, I do like a challenge, but most jigsaws are that without looking for baked beans, smarties or sprouts (yes, they are out there). The problem with these puzzles (double sided, rotated 90 degrees) is that you don't really do them as a jigsaw, they become an endurance test. I ended up laying all the pieces out in little rows and systematically going down each one until I found a piece that fit....and so on....and so on.... I don't wish to sound ungrateful, just realistic.
Time taken: you don't want to know
This had been handed to me as one of those 'tricky' ones that no one else wanted to attempt. At first glance I thought they would probably be right, especially as I only seemed to see variations on grey, black and white. However, once I got going it soon became apparent that these shades were very distinct, there were large areas which could be completed with ease and the land mass across the top third provided a good starting division. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
A tricky little number with many, many similar colours, shades and aspects of light. According to the box there should have been a thin area of grass at the bottom of the picture, but it was so dark that I couldn't make it out. The cut wasn't brilliant with several edge pieces matching others. In the end I do something I don't often do and added the final bottom edge after all the other pieces were in place.
Time taken: day
Hmmm, lots of little details and pieces of clock to orient, place, replace and check. However the flooring and beams of light provided a good starting point and once they were in place the centre of the puzzle was there to build around. The pieces were a little thin so didn't fit together very securely, but this was due to the age of the puzzle more than anything else.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
With the weather outside being rather chilly of late this seemed like the perfect way to spend a cold evening snuggled in front of the TV with the fire on. Once the rather tricky watercolour effect sky was in place the rest of the puzzle didn't take long to assemble. The snow covered ground wasn't too bad once every other detail had been put in place. Having never done a Deluxe Puzzle before I was also pleased at the quality of the cut.
Time taken: evening
Now, Clementoni produce this puzzle as a 4000 piece one, but mine certainly wasn't so I am a little baffled. I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it as maps can often be a little confusing, full of similar lines and colours. However, the outer circles were fun to find and construct, the inner corners and scenes gave a pleasant diversion and the centre was too bad after all. Even if it isn't a Clementoni, then it is a fine jigsaw in the 1000 piece form.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
I knew my run had to come to an end at some point. I knew that a missing piece was bound to appear (or not as the case may be) at some point through all the jigsaws I check. What I wasn't prepared for was two on the trot. However, I have included them here as until that final sad moment of realisation that the missing piece wasn't on the floor they had been rather good puzzles.
Double Sided Impossipuzzle - The airport (1000 pieces)
King Puzzles: Department Store (1000 pieces)
Time taken: an evening a piece
This was great - you can't be a good Wasgij. Clear colours, interesting characters and little details all in keeping with the theme. Add to this the quality cut of a Ravensburger and you are left with an incredibly satisfying puzzling experience. I liked the central characters and how they appeared as I got going. The castle walls provided the necessary frame to get my bearings and the sky was filled with little extras.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Not my normal type, but I actually enjoyed this one. The past providing a nice central division and then it was easy to build up blocks on flowers as you went along. The tree line wasn't too difficult and the only tricky bit was the tulips in the foreground as they were slightly out of focus causing definite lines to be blurred.
Time taken: evening
A nice big chunk of sky to get started with, and sky with plenty of shade variation so it proved to be manageable. Add to that the different boats, buildings and smaller splashes of colour for the cars and this had the makings of a good puzzle. The downsize - the pieces were very thin and did not sit together well meaning at times one small nudge could cause a lot of damage and hours of frustration.
Time taken: day