Sunday 26 July 2015

World Treasures - Masters Puzzles (500 pieces)

After a family clear out I was given a bumper pack of puzzles consisting of 4x500 pieces and 4x1000 pieces. This is the first of the smaller ones I completed. It didn't take too long, but you can tell it's not a brand I normally use - the cut isn't great. That being said it's always nice to complete a puzzle of a landmark. The clock face took no time at all, the body a little while and the sky proved rather difficult.

Time taken: Evening

Country Collection, River Cottage - Ravensburger (1000 pieces)

You can't go wrong with a Ravensburger. The cut of the pieces is superior to many other brands meaning the 'click' of connecting pieces is most pleasing. This puzzle was bright, colourful and made for a lovely evening. The thatch was perhaps the area that caused the greatest difficulty, but once that was in place the rest of the puzzle built quickly. The little birds added an extra level as it was fun to find and place each one.

Time taken: Evening

Sunday 12 July 2015

British Jigsaw Championships 2015

A slight change from my normal blog. Today was the 3rd annual British Jigsaw Championships. The last 2 years I have come 1st and 2nd respectively so was excited to see what today would bring. Last years winner had completed the jigsaw in just under 2 hours and as I hadn't managed that myself at home I wasn't to hopeful. The puzzle we were presented with was a Schmidt puzzle called 'The Four Seasons Garden' and it was good fun - well, at least until we got to the winter section, which proved a little harder. The result? Well I can 2nd again, but only lost by 3 minutes and managed to set a new PB of 2 hours exactly. More importantly I managed to persuade my sister to enter the 'Fun' category and she came 2nd herself - completing the puzzle in 4 hours 30 minutes....hmmmm.....maybe I should combine with her for the pairs event?!

If you think you would like to compete in 2016 then check out the website:

...and in the meantime....I need to start training to try and get under 2 hours!

P.s. the photo is my sister and not me!

Eilean Donan Castle, Loch Duich - Ken Duncan Panographs (748 pieces)

I loved this puzzle! I've always loved 'sky' and to have the water reflection as well added to enjoyment. The castle horizon line was great and an excellent starting point and the shades of blue kept me more than busy. I don't do many panoramic jigsaws but would highly recommend this one.

Time taken: evening

Mad Tea Party - Wentworth Wooden Jigsaws (250 pieces)

I was handed this puzzle by a friend, and although much smaller than the puzzles I normally completed I decided to give it a go, as it's not everyday that you get to complete a Wentworth. Muted colours, and quite a bit of white added some difficulty, but other than that it was pleasant enough. The 'Whimsys' were fun as well - taking the form of little cups etc. Overall, a pleasing jigsaw.

Time taken: 45 minutes