Now, this was a tricky little puzzle, but I really enjoyed it. Once the edges were in place I got the sea and sky in without too much bother, but then the fun began. A load of little people, different buildings, benches and bikes kept me busy for ages and the final result was one of great satisfaction. A gift from a friend - and a very good gift indeed. I wonder who will enjoy it next?
Time taken: small bursts over the course of a week
The last of the 500 pieces from this box and a rather nifty one to end on. I thought that the large expanse of sky would prove difficult, but it wasn't too bad and the illuminated tower was good fun and provided an excellent point of reference for the rest of the picture. Right, better move back to 1000 pieces after Christmas.
Time taken: 3 hours
As I've mentioned before I not only do jigsaws for my own enjoyment, but also to help out other people. I am a jigsaw checker for my local Am Dram group and also help to sell the jigsaws once they have been checked as complete. This is a great way to enjoy lots of different jigsaws that I wouldn't normally buy, as well as helping out a local group very close to my heart. Anyway, here is the Christmas sale table I put together and I am pleased to report that all bar 3 were sold (we had more behind the table ready for when a space became available)....and if this post has got you interested....why not pop down to your local charity shop and offer to check jigsaws for them?
I've joined the Benevolent Confraternity of Dissectologists (BCD) - or in simpler terms - a new jigsaw puzzle club. Well, what a lovely group of people I have met at their quarterly meetings! Each meeting gives me a chance to complete a jigsaw with a group of friends and this is the one I completed in Reigate in November. I'm not sure on the piece count or the time taken, but it was time well spent on an interesting little puzzle.
I'm sorry I've been a little slow at putting posts on - I have started a new role at work and it is proving a little time consuming. Good news is that I've started an after school jigsaw club which is well attended, so still getting a little jigsaw fix once a week. This puzzle was a lovely way to pass an evening and the shading in the sky was wonderfully clear.
Time taken: Evening
This jigsaw has no title, but simply a piece of writing down one side saying that the illustration was taken from 'A Little Book of Old Rhymes - circa 1929). A splash of green to get you started and then the rest of the puzzle was somewhat muted in colours. The plants and flowers added some nice detail, but overall I wasn't inspired.
Time taken - evening
Another mini one to pass the time. As I said before, the cut isn't great, but the puzzle is pleasing enough. The two different buildings and the grass at the bottom provided me with some great focal points and the sky wasn't as difficult as the last.
August has been a busy month - I'm just pleased to have squeezed a jigsaw in at all!!
Time taken: evening
After a family clear out I was given a bumper pack of puzzles consisting of 4x500 pieces and 4x1000 pieces. This is the first of the smaller ones I completed. It didn't take too long, but you can tell it's not a brand I normally use - the cut isn't great. That being said it's always nice to complete a puzzle of a landmark. The clock face took no time at all, the body a little while and the sky proved rather difficult.
Time taken: Evening
You can't go wrong with a Ravensburger. The cut of the pieces is superior to many other brands meaning the 'click' of connecting pieces is most pleasing. This puzzle was bright, colourful and made for a lovely evening. The thatch was perhaps the area that caused the greatest difficulty, but once that was in place the rest of the puzzle built quickly. The little birds added an extra level as it was fun to find and place each one.
Time taken: Evening
A slight change from my normal blog. Today was the 3rd annual British Jigsaw Championships. The last 2 years I have come 1st and 2nd respectively so was excited to see what today would bring. Last years winner had completed the jigsaw in just under 2 hours and as I hadn't managed that myself at home I wasn't to hopeful. The puzzle we were presented with was a Schmidt puzzle called 'The Four Seasons Garden' and it was good fun - well, at least until we got to the winter section, which proved a little harder. The result? Well I can 2nd again, but only lost by 3 minutes and managed to set a new PB of 2 hours exactly. More importantly I managed to persuade my sister to enter the 'Fun' category and she came 2nd herself - completing the puzzle in 4 hours 30 minutes....hmmmm.....maybe I should combine with her for the pairs event?!
If you think you would like to compete in 2016 then check out the website:
...and in the meantime....I need to start training to try and get under 2 hours!
P.s. the photo is my sister and not me!
I loved this puzzle! I've always loved 'sky' and to have the water reflection as well added to enjoyment. The castle horizon line was great and an excellent starting point and the shades of blue kept me more than busy. I don't do many panoramic jigsaws but would highly recommend this one.
Time taken: evening
I was handed this puzzle by a friend, and although much smaller than the puzzles I normally completed I decided to give it a go, as it's not everyday that you get to complete a Wentworth. Muted colours, and quite a bit of white added some difficulty, but other than that it was pleasant enough. The 'Whimsys' were fun as well - taking the form of little cups etc. Overall, a pleasing jigsaw.
Time taken: 45 minutes
I had intended to use this as a training puzzle for the British champs in July, but it soon became apparent that it was not meant to be. Although there were some good features to start you off, once you moved to the table top work it was very easy to get bogged down in plates, baskets and faces - never a favourite of mine. That being said, I did enjoy the puzzle...just not one of my quickest!
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Well! A Father's Day puzzle, which looked good, but proved to be rather tricky to get going on. However, once we had, we had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon together jigging away. The window frames, daffs and houses provided some good focal points and once they were in place the rest of the puzzle simple built in around. Ravensburger quality is always appreciated and a nice puzzle.
Time taken: afternoon (joint effort)
Oh my goodness....this was a trial! I don't mind photomosaic puzzles as a concept. I like looking at all the little pictures and you can usually get along well once you get into a rhythm. However - this one was hard work. The colours were all very, very similar and the picture wasn't terribly inspiring. After the initial enjoyment of looking at the little 'Big Cat' pieces, they soon lost their appeal. Anyway, it's done...and more importantly - complete.
Time taken: forever!
I've not come across a puzzle from this brand before so can only assume it is foreign. The picture was charming and provided definite areas to work on. I started with the sky, moved onto the path and then the road, finishing with the buildings. This meant the puzzle quickly took shape and didn't take long to finish. Plenty of detail and an enjoyable evening.
Time taken: evening
I know, I's nowhere near Christmas yet...but a puzzle is a puzzle, and this one was great. Bright colours, quirky little details, areas to build up and lots of different people to keep me busy. The cut was good, and it was easy to get lost and enjoy for a whole evening.
Time taken: evening
Most would look at this and sign - double sky! Reflections in water always make for an interesting puzzle and a challenge I relish. The sky itself had plenty of colour gradient to work with, the trees provided some nice detail and the buildings broke the centre of the puzzle up well. I've always liked sky - but then, what does that say about me.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Every so often a puzzle comes along and for whatever reason you don't enjoy it. This, unfortunately, was one of those occasions. The background colours were a little uninspiring, and the painted picture meant that sharp lines were hard to come by. That being said, the flowers provided some relief and the cut was good.
Time taken: spread out over a week of evenings
I love Mike Jupp puzzles! There are sooooo many fine details to look for. You can be merrily piecing together a section of the puzzle when you come across a small joke, Del Boy and Rodney or even an advertising sign for Gibsons. There were some areas you could start with like the skyline and then the trees, but then you just had to launch into the people with enthusiasm and patience. Time well spent and thank you Mike.
Time taken: Afternoon and evening
Brilliant! I did this as a training puzzle for the British Champs in July and I was pleased with my choice and my result. The clear sections allowed you to build the puzzle up little by little and provided clear areas of focus. The title was a good place to start and the other labels were soon to follow. The bright colours, places or interest and white border lines kept me happily busy as I chased my sub 2 hour target.
Well done Ravensburger
Time taken: 2 hours 17 minutes (not bad for my first training puzzle of the season)
Difficult! Anything that is geometric is difficult by it's very nature, but nevertheless this was an enjoyable way to spend a dreary Saturday afternoon and evening. Despite looking like I would never make progress I took things slowly, working on borders, building up small sections at a time, and working from the outside in.
Time taken: Afternoon and evening
A happy family afternoon spent on this one. Whilst other family members got cracking on people and focal points I was moved around the table doing what I do best - sky and ground. Once I was finally allowed to join the rest of the team I enjoyed all the little details....and of course the quality that Gibsons never fails to deliver.
Time taken: Afternoon
This was a Christmas present from a friend and I had been looking forward to it ever since then. However, it had been requested that I complete a timed effort so I needed a clear day with no outside pressures. It is double sided, and yes, I have left the most difficult side for next time...but I just couldn't resist side 1. I loved the individual coloured frames which quickly built up into puzzles within a puzzle. Once the frames were in place it did get a little trickier, but was soon complete! Thank you to my friend for the challenge...I'll let you know how the next side goes!
Time taken: 3 hours
A lovely afternoon well spent! Plenty of areas to work on - sky, grass, flowerbeds, and of course the feature of the house. Some people don't like large areas of sky and grass, but I have always enjoyed the extra difficulty they present. Well done Falcon!
Time taken: afternoon
Uninspiring, but reasonable. I'm not the greatest fan of watercolours, but this was harmless enough. The colours were a little bland and the picture so-so...but a puzzle is a puzzle and I appreciate that some people love these sorts of pictures/paintings.
Time taken: spread out over several evenings
What a good one! Anyone who is a fan of Wasgij will enjoy this series. A delightful idea of a before and after shot so you have some of the information you need, but not all of it. It was great fun working out what went where and seeing how this related to the original picture. Bright colours and Ravensburger quality made for an exquisite puzzle! Well done Ravensburger.
Time taken: Evening