Time races round now between BCD weekends and a weekend adventure in September was a much needed catch up with friends. One of the things I like most about these weekends is people bring puzzles along you wouldn't normally come across - this one was picked up at a car boot sale and its owner suggested I might enjoy it. We spent a happy morning busily completing it and I think you will agree it's a good one. Only disadvantage - it's push-fit, but then, you can't have it all.
Time taken: morning
A friend gave me this puzzle knowing I like puzzles. Normally Impossipuzzles don't interest me terribly as I feel they are a mental challenge more than an enjoyable one, but this one bucked that trend. Perhaps because it was only tiny, and perhaps because you had clear meerkats to work with rather than a jumble or beans or smarties. Didn't take long, but was fun.
Time taken: 10 minutes
4 puzzles in a box = a heavy box, but also equals a rather enjoyable couple of weekends. The cut was good and the pictures all great. Good details to focus in on from them all, but trickier areas as well. I decided to do them in order of what I felt was their difficulty, which equated to: Spring, Autumn, Summer, Winter. I tended to start with a key focal point such as one large tress, one area of colour, or the house and then built the puzzle up around this.
Time taken: spread over 2 weekends