I really enjoyed completing this jigsaw! The sky went in first and then I collect 3 little piles of coloured pieces which would form the three domes. Once they were in place the only thing left to do was to build up the buildings around them. Even with brickwork of similar colours there was still enough variety to make this easy to complete and I loved to vibrant colours and bold shapes presented.
Time taken: afternoon
Moving onto the next size up this puzzle proved not only more difficult in piece count, but also in picture. Once the various vegetables had been put in place the other greenery proved a little tricky and the muted colours of the house in the background took a little time. However the overall experience was not unpleasant and finished picture enjoyable.
Time taken: evening
The last of the 500 hundred pieces and I had left it like that because the picture didn't really grab me. However, once started I really enjoyed it. I put the background shaded in first before starting on the penguins and these two quickly built up. As I puzzle without using the box it took me a little while to work out which penguin was placed where, but once they were settled the pebbled beach didn't take long to bring the whole puzzle together.
Time taken: evening
The path went in first, followed by the flowers. The buildings peeking through the trees offered a number of different options as a couple were quite similar and then the trees were last to be put in place. For once I left the sky until last as there wasn't much of it. It quickly fell into place and the whole puzzle was very pleasing on the eye. I have very much enjoyed the puzzles from this new set.
Time taken: 3 hours
Another lovely little time filler from the box set. The trees in the foreground were what I decided to leave until last, thinking they would prove trickier than they eventually turned out to be. The cut of these puzzles is not standard so there are quite a few irregular pieces which help with construction and overall enjoyment. As usual the sky went in first without any problems, followed by the building with the trees last.
Time taken: evening
I knew there was a reason I had left this puzzle until last - and I wasn't proved wrong. It was an awful puzzle to complete. It started well with the bridge and lights quite quickly in place....and then....the sky. The black soon lacked little subtle shading which might have helped and the cut was so poor that in the end I had to turn the pieces over to work upside down (back showing) as it was easier to see which pieces fitted that way than the normal way. However, I didn't give up and eventually it was done - but - NEVER again!
Time taken: I gave up counting the hours
Another one from the box and this proved as enjoyable as the last but for different reasons. This time I put the hill skyline in place followed by the sky and then the outer edge of the building. I followed that with the gardens and left the inner pieces of the building until last. The building itself proved trickier than I excepted, but all in all a nice puzzle.
Time taken: 3 hours
Another compilation box but this one is so very different from the last - primarily because the cut of the pieces if very good. This mountain and lake scene was a lovely way to start - the skyline and water were quickly filled in and then I started on the trees which didn't take too long. A good way to relax on a rainy afternoon.
Time taken: 2 hours