What's not to like about a traditional English country scene? Beautiful blue sky, grass in the foreground and once they were in place the cottages and church followed with no real problems. A slightly older puzzle so the pieces didn't click beautifully, but the overall experience was pure jigging at a simple level - even the trees didn't spoil things. A lovely way to spend an afternoon.
Time taken: afternoon
I love a good Wasgij. I know that not having a picture is too difficult for some people but I really enjoy seeing how the image develops. Those moments of 'ah, so that's where that goes', or 'oh, now I get it' really do fit with this style of puzzle. The images are always, bright, well cut and great to assemble. As for this pictures - amusing and I didn't see it coming until quite far in. Thank you Wasgij.
Time taken: 2 evenings
Having learnt my lesson from the first one I was much more methodical with how I approached this jigsaw. I developed a system of placing the pieces into little rows and once I had built up some easy sections took a row of pieces at a time to try and slot in. Any that didn't fit were turned over and placed to one side for a return attempt. I still worked with areas of interest, but the new technique made for a much quicker turn around.
Time taken: day
Now, let's clear one thing up - there are numerous jigsaws of this ilk, all claiming to be the most difficult jigsaw....and quite frankly....it's a bit of false advertising. However, there are ways they can make them trickier and this one certainly managed that. The image was printed on both sides and rotated 45* into the bargain. Normally they don't do this very well and the cut of the jigsaw gives away which side is which - you can feel it. This time, they got it right and so it did prove quite tricky....and I enjoyed it.
Time taken: spread over a course of weekday evenings (1 week)
On first inspection the muted colours in this puzzle did not inspire. However, once the sky was in place, the yellow lane and much of the grasses down the bottom the rest of the jigsaw just slotted into place. I was left with the trees, but these didn't take as long as I expected and the end result was strangely pleasing. An older puzzle so the pieces were a little flimsy, but it was quite nice to complete a 750 piece puzzle - something I don't often do.
Time taken: evening
I was given this puzzle by a friend and it was lovely to get back to a good old high quality Ravensburger. The cut really is lovely and the dark blue backing to the pieces helps with the initial sorting phase. The picture itself was bright and cheerful and it was great fun putting together all the different cupcakes. Add to that the central point of the tatty teddy and you have an lovely jigsaw.
Time taken: evening