I had intended to use this as a training puzzle for the British champs in July, but it soon became apparent that it was not meant to be. Although there were some good features to start you off, once you moved to the table top work it was very easy to get bogged down in plates, baskets and faces - never a favourite of mine. That being said, I did enjoy the puzzle...just not one of my quickest!
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Well! A Father's Day puzzle, which looked good, but proved to be rather tricky to get going on. However, once we had, we had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon together jigging away. The window frames, daffs and houses provided some good focal points and once they were in place the rest of the puzzle simple built in around. Ravensburger quality is always appreciated and a nice puzzle.
Time taken: afternoon (joint effort)
Oh my goodness....this was a trial! I don't mind photomosaic puzzles as a concept. I like looking at all the little pictures and you can usually get along well once you get into a rhythm. However - this one was hard work. The colours were all very, very similar and the picture wasn't terribly inspiring. After the initial enjoyment of looking at the little 'Big Cat' pieces, they soon lost their appeal. Anyway, it's done...and more importantly - complete.
Time taken: forever!