I've not come across a puzzle from this brand before so can only assume it is foreign. The picture was charming and provided definite areas to work on. I started with the sky, moved onto the path and then the road, finishing with the buildings. This meant the puzzle quickly took shape and didn't take long to finish. Plenty of detail and an enjoyable evening.
Time taken: evening
I know, I know...it's nowhere near Christmas yet...but a puzzle is a puzzle, and this one was great. Bright colours, quirky little details, areas to build up and lots of different people to keep me busy. The cut was good, and it was easy to get lost and enjoy for a whole evening.
Time taken: evening
Most would look at this and sign - double sky! Reflections in water always make for an interesting puzzle and a challenge I relish. The sky itself had plenty of colour gradient to work with, the trees provided some nice detail and the buildings broke the centre of the puzzle up well. I've always liked sky - but then, what does that say about me.
Time taken: afternoon and evening
Every so often a puzzle comes along and for whatever reason you don't enjoy it. This, unfortunately, was one of those occasions. The background colours were a little uninspiring, and the painted picture meant that sharp lines were hard to come by. That being said, the flowers provided some relief and the cut was good.
Time taken: spread out over a week of evenings
I love Mike Jupp puzzles! There are sooooo many fine details to look for. You can be merrily piecing together a section of the puzzle when you come across a small joke, Del Boy and Rodney or even an advertising sign for Gibsons. There were some areas you could start with like the skyline and then the trees, but then you just had to launch into the people with enthusiasm and patience. Time well spent and thank you Mike.
Time taken: Afternoon and evening